Entries in Google Now (36)


Google Now on Android adds new app cards

Google continues to bring more features to Google Now. There are new app cards available on the service. This time around, users can view a recommended playlist card from Spotify. There are also TuneIn and YouTube playlist recommendations. Breaking news from ABC News, Circa, and Feedly. There are also cards for Eat24, Runkeeper, Jawbone, Adidas, OpenTable, and All Recipes.

Source: The Next Web


Google+ Stories show up on Google Now 

It would seem Google isn't ready to give up on Google+ just yet. A number of users have noticed that Google+ Stories have started to show up alongside their other Google Now cards. Google Stories are a collection of photos you uploaded based on time and location data. Think of it as a highlight reel of a specific event. The card on Google Now shows a photo preview, date, and how many items are in the album. The Story can be viewed or shared right from Google Now. There is no word from Google though when this'll be an official feature.  

Source: Digital Trends 


Find gas stations on the road with Google Now

If you’ve been on a cross-country trip and have been looking for the next place to get gas, Google will help you out. Google Now will show the nearest gas stations along your route. Users who saw this card pop up weren’t necessarily using Google Maps’s navigation but they were driving. It would seem Google is taking a look at how fast you’re going and predicting where you’re headed to provide you with the information. Since it’s prediction-based, you can’t expect it to be accurate, but we assume that if you use navigation, you’ll get more accurate results.

Source: Android Police | Download: Google Play Store (Free)


Google Now adds third-party app support for Android

The Google Now cards are quiet handy for pulling up contextual notifications. But it has always been limited to Google services—until today that is. Now, they’ve added support for 40 third-party apps on Android, including Ford, Pandora, Lyft, Airbnb, Duolingo, and others. If you want to take advantage of this feature, you would have to have both the Google app and the third-party app installed. The update is said to be coming over the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled for them. Google hasn’t said though if this’ll be done for iOS, too.

Source: Mashable