Entries in Google Now (36)


New Google Now card to help remind you to pay your bills

It would seem Google is rolling out a new feature for Google Now. Android Police reports a new card has surfaced that shows billing reminders based on your emails. The card shows basic information on your accounts, how much you owe and when the payment is due. The update doesn’t seem to be completely rolled out yet but it should come your way soon. You can check if you have the update by heading to the “Everything Else” section of the app. 


Google Search for iOS gets more conversational

Google is ready to take the fight to Siri with the latest update of its Search app for iOS. The voice search feature for version 4.0 is now more conversational than before. You can ask Google things like “What’s the weather” and it will respond and then you can follow it up with “How about this weekend?” to get more information. The app also has an improved Google Now integration with articles showing up from your favorite news sites and more information about upcoming trips and the like.

Source: Engadget


Google Now helps you find your parked car

If you’ve wondered on countless occasions where you’ve parked your car, Google Now comes with the ability to remember where you left your vehicle. Google’s assistant uses your smartphone’s sensors to track when you left a moving vehicle and remember the last location you stopped at. It isn’t precise and Google admits the parking location cards might turn up even if you were commuting or getting out of a friend’s car. But if you consider having a feature like this as essential, then we're sure you'd ignore this. Of course, you can choose to turn the feature off or customize when the parking location cards will show up. This new feature is available in the latest version of Google Search on Android.

Source: The Verge


Android tipped to get voice command capability everywhere

Nexus 5 and Samsung Galaxy S5 users are currently limited to using the "Ok Google" command on the homescreen of their devices. But Google is reportedly working on a way to bring the voice command feature everywhere on your Android device. Similar to what the Moto X does, your device will listen and respond to your voice and respond to what you have running. For example, if you are looking through photos, you can tell Google to "share this photo" with someone. It is still a rumour at the moment but an extremely handy feature if ever it does get confirmed.
Source: Engadget
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