Entries in Google Now (36)


Apple adds to iOS 7 a Google Now-esque feature called ‘Today’

Apple has taken a lot of inspiration from other mobile operating systems so it comes as no surprise they have an answer to Google Now. Appearing under a tab called Today in the Notifications Center, this feature acts like a personal assistant as well. It can show you weather and traffic information and remind you of your schedule.

This feature is still in beta and obviously won’t match up with Google Now but it is a preview of what’s to come for iOS 7 users. If you’re an Apple user that wants to try the more established Google Now, it is part of the Google Search app.

Source: MacRumors


Google Now is now available on iOS devices

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Google invasion of iOS continues with the much anticipated Google Now search service becoming available to iPhone and iPad users. Users who update the Google Search app today will be greeted by a tutorial and an entirely new set of search tools as well as the Cards interface that pull's up sports scores, distance and GPS information, news items, nearby destinations  and other location and predictive search based info.

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First Impressions of the Google Nexus 4 

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

So, I finally received the 16GB Nexus 4 I ordered a few weeks ago when limited stock was made available to Canadian buyers. The latest and greatest Nexus smartphone, made by LG, is one powerful device but also lacks some key features that some users really want.

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Siri Showdown: Google intros Voice Search for iOS

Google has submitted its Voice Search application to the Apple App store. Once it is approved and made available to iPhone and iPod Touch users it will give them another voice-enabled search application aside from Siri (which is getting a lot smarter in its iOS 6 iteration coming this Fall).

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