Entries in Google Now (36)


Google Glass update adds new Google Now cards and improves photo sharing

Google is trying to make Glass worth its price tag with new features to the wearable device. The new Google Now cards included in Glass include World Cup updates, package tracking, and locating your parked car. Photo sharing has also been made easier with the new update. When you take photos with Glass, you can instantly view and edit the photos you’ve taken right on the MyGlass app on your Android phone. Plus, you don’t have to be connected to Wi-Fi to use this. This feature will eventually make its way to MyGlass app for iOS but Google didn’t specify when. You will also be getting a battery notification when power drops to 20 percent. These new features are slated to be rolled out later this week.

Source: The Next Web


Google Now to help you not miss your stop when commuting

We’re sure it’s happened to you countless of times before. You’re tired and fell asleep on the commute home from work and missed your stop. Google Now wants to help you avoid that with a new feature. Users have the option to set an alarm for saved locations such as Home and Work, meaning you no longer have to miss your stop again. The alarm generally knows when you get on and off a bus or train so all you need to do is tap the alarm when you’re on public transport. It will alert you when you’re near your destination so you don’t miss your stop.

Source: Android Headlines


Google updates weather card on Google Now, shows multiple cities in one card

The weather card on Google Now used to be multiple stacks to show different cities. But Google has changed that and opted to place multiple cities in a single card. Of course, it initially shows you the weather in your city but if Google Now knows you will be traveling, it will show you the weather in those places you will be going to. We like how it provides a quick glance at all that information you will need. The update is supposedly rolling out so expect to see it on your Android device soon.

Source: Droid Life


Set Google Now Reminders with just your voice

Google has boosted the voice command capabilities of Google Now to lessen all the screen tapping you have to do. You can now set and confirm reminders with just the use of your voice. You needed to tap on the screen to confirm a reminder before. But now you just need to answer “yes” to confirm your reminder. Google Now will repeat your reminder to you to confirm it got the right message. If you want to cancel the reminder, all you need to say is “no.”

Source: Android Police

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