Ron Howard’s latest tweet hints at possible plot point for Han Solo movie

We don’t know much about the untitled Han Solo movie. We know there’s been a bunch of trouble behind the scenes, we know the cast and crew, but beyond that we’re being purposefully kept in the dark (which we expect from a Lucasfilm production). But a new tweet from its director Ron Howard could be pointing us at a possible plot point in the film. The tweet, accompanied with a photo, was just one word: “Spicey?” The photo is an elevator shaft and io9 speculates this could be an entrance to a spice mine and when you think of a spice mine, you’d think of Kessel. And if we link that to Han Solo, then perhaps he’s doing a run.
We can’t say with certainty that’s the case. For all we know, Howard could be trolling us. But there have been rumours persistently saying that the film will touch on many parts of Solo’s past including Kessel Run, Chewie’s life debt, winning the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian, etc. All we can do now is wait and see what Howard has up its sleeve. Hopefully we don’t have to wait too long for the first trailer or poster to come out. The Han solo film is expected to hit theatres on May 25, 2018.