Entries in Ron Howard (3)


Apple TV+ to debut 'Dads' documentary on June 19

Ron Howard and Bryce Dallas Howard

The Friday before Father's Day, Apple TV+ will be debuting a new documentary aptly called Dads. Directed by actress Bryce Dallas Howard, it examines her family, with interviews of her brother before and when he becomes a first-time dad. It also features interviews with her father, filmmaker Ron Howard, and her grandfather, too. Other famous fathers included in the documentary are Jimmy Fallon, Judd Apatow, Neil Patrick Harris, Ken Jeong, Kimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien, Patton Oswalt, and Will Smith, among others. 

Bryce and Ron serve as producers for the film. It's part of an ongoing deal between Ron's Imagine Documentaries and Apple, where the company gets the first right to refusal for non-fiction features and series from the studio. If you're interested in catching the movie, you can stream it on Apple TV+ via the Apple TV app starting June 19.

Source: Apple Insider


Ron Howard’s latest tweet hints at possible plot point for Han Solo movie

We don’t know much about the untitled Han Solo movie. We know there’s been a bunch of trouble behind the scenes, we know the cast and crew, but beyond that we’re being purposefully kept in the dark (which we expect from a Lucasfilm production). But a new tweet from its director Ron Howard could be pointing us at a possible plot point in the film. The tweet, accompanied with a photo, was just one word: “Spicey?” The photo is an elevator shaft and io9 speculates this could be an entrance to a spice mine and when you think of a spice mine, you’d think of Kessel. And if we link that to Han Solo, then perhaps he’s doing a run.

We can’t say with certainty that’s the case. For all we know, Howard could be trolling us. But there have been rumours persistently saying that the film will touch on many parts of Solo’s past including Kessel Run, Chewie’s life debt, winning the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian, etc. All we can do now is wait and see what Howard has up its sleeve. Hopefully we don’t have to wait too long for the first trailer or poster to come out. The Han solo film is expected to hit theatres on May 25, 2018.


Paul Bettany joins Han Solo movie to replace Michael K. Williams

After The Wire actor Michael K. Williams had to drop out of the Han Solo spinoff movie because of scheduling conflict, it looks like the role itself isn’t being cut but is instead being recast. A recent tweet from the film’s director Ron Howard suggests Paul Bettany might be taking over the role (it was later confirmed by the director in a follow-up tweet). Although, we know it’s not the exact same role. According to SlashFilm, while Bettany will play a character Williams was supposed to play, the character will now be human instead of a motion-capture alien. A Deadline story also claims it might be an entirely new character but will serve the same function as Williams’s character. At the moment we can only speculate what the character will be like. Howard and Bettany have previously worked together on A Beautiful Mind and The Da Vinci Code.

With the movie going through reshoots now after the original directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller got fired, we’re hoping there isn’t any more controversy surrounding this rather beleaguered production. This might also not be the last time we see Williams in a Lucasfilm production. He expressed no bitterness over the changes and won’t say that this might be the final time we’d see him (or not see him, in this case). The untitled film is set to hit theatres in May 2018.