BBM for iOS and Android reaches BetaZone, release imminent

Since BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins made the announcement at BlackBerry Live in May about BBM going cross-platform, the internet (and BlackBerry fanboys) have been in a tizzy about when the switch would be finally flipped.
Well, wait no more, BBM for iOS and Android is literally around the corner.
What you're looking at above is an email from BlackBerry's BetaZone team to one lucky user being invited to try the application out on their ICS(or higher)-powered Android device. All they're asked to do is fill out a form and they'll be "granted access" to a pre-release build. This often means that a final public version is just around the corner.
As I anxiously await my invite, I ask if any of our readers have received the faithful golden ticket seen above and if they've had the time to get on the program and download it. Let us know!
[via BBOS]