Entries in internet (9)


Google solar-powered plane crashed in New Mexico

Google’s solar-powered plane didn’t stay up too long in the air as it crashed a bit after takeoff. According to Bloomberg Business, the National Transportation Safety Board is investigating this incident. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the incident, which happened on May 1st at a private airfield outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Titan Aerospace, Google’s recently acquired company, built the 50-meter-wide drone. It’s part of the tech giant’s plan to boost global Internet connectivity using stratospheric drones. Google spokeswoman Courtney Hohne told Bloomberg, "Although our prototype plane went down during a recent test, we remain optimistic about the potential of solar-powered planes to help deliver connectivity."

Source: Bloomberg Business | Via: Engadget


North Korea’s internet goes down yet again

It’s the second time in less than a week that North Korea’s internet and 3G network goes down. The outage lasted for more than five hours, according to Dyn Research. After losing internet access for over nine hours earlier this week, North Korea issued a statement on Friday blaming the U.S. and President Barack Obama for the outages.

North Korea has been blamed for the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment and the leak of files and emails of studio executives and other Sony employees. But they deny any involvement in the controversy.

Source: Mashable


Hands-on with Rogers $80 United States Talk, Text & Data Plan

Roaming charges are the result of a nasty oversight that could have been prevented.

They are often exorbitant fees that creep up like last months cold and, if not taken care of, can ruin what could have been an otherwise wonderful getaway.

You see many of us, in the rush of vacation preparation; forget to call our respective carriers to add that insurance policy.

We then proceed to scream to the high heavens when we use our devices as if we’re home and then proceed to receive a bill with charges that could likely equal the average mortgage payment.

I feel your pain.

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Symantec report: "Cybercrime Strikes More Than Two-Thirds of Internet Users"

The next time you surf the Internet, consider this: You might be just one click away from becoming the next cybercrime victim. A new study released today from security software maker Norton reveals the staggering prevalence of cybercrime: Two-thirds (65 percent) of Internet users globally have fallen victim to cybercrimes, including computer viruses, online credit card fraud and identity theft.

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