Entries in iPad (139)


Rogers: "add iPad to existing data plan for $20 option, was an error."

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Seems like Rogers might have reneged on the $20/month plan to "add iPad to existing data plan" option that we reported on earlier and has, once again, drawn the ire of current and potential customers. Apple's iPad, which is available for pre-order today, was announced to offer a 3G+Wi-Fi models that can ship with Rogers MicroSIM cards and would have the option of non-contract data subscription options above. The third option, for $20.00, would enable the iPad to be used with a customer's existing data plan. This option is now said to have been an error which has now been rectified on Apple's website.

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iPad's International Launch Delayed until 'end of May.'

Apple announced  today that due to increased demand for their iPad device, they would have to move the International launch date of the tablet computer to the 'end of May.' Launched on April 4th in the US, the iPad has sold 500,000 units and has been available in the grey market for exorbitant prices which is likely to continue. Read the release after the break.

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Review: 5 Outstanding iPad Apps: Early Edition

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Apple iPad has been out for barely more than a week and already we have seen a number of compelling iPad apps that really define its functionality. The iPad has been heralded as a media consumption device and for the most part that is true.

We wanted to explore how it might be more of a content creation device and possibly a substitute for a notebook computer. Since we re using a US iPad in Canada, we were dismayed to find out that we had limited access to the iPad App Store and were unable to buy the iWorks suite of apps (Pages, Numbers and Keynote).

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OS 4 brings multitasking, social gaming and mobile ads to iPhone 3GS

By Gadjo C. Sevilla

Apple recenly revealed plans to launch iPhone 4.0, the next iteration of its popular iPhone and iPad operating system. The update brings a number of features but most notable is multitasking, which allows for quick and efficient navigation between open applications without substantially affecting battery life.

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