Entries in iPad (139)


iPad, Canada and Opportunism

The iPad has launched and has lived up to the hype for the most part. Canadians have to wait until the end of April before it is made available here but some people can't wait and unscrupulous sellers are trying to sucker them into paying double the price, which is criminal.

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iPad Mania Begins early

By Gadjo C. Sevilla

Apple's "magical" and "revolutionary" device is undoubtedly the gadget release of 2010. The iPad arrives in the US this Saturday and already expectations have been whipped into a frenzy. Steve Jobs is covered by Stephen Fry in Time, Gizmodo has profiled and collected early reviews and everyone seems to have an opinion on this product that really, very few people have seen.  For Canada, the iPad is rumoured to hit stores on April 24.

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Canadian eBook retailer Kobo preps iPad app

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

As the launch date of the Apple iPad nears, a number of developers are prepping software offerings for the device. Canadian eBook retailer Kobo just announced its own application that gives users access to over 2 million book titles.

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iPad pre-sales begin, accessories announced

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple began accepting orders from its US customers for the upcoming iPad tablet which will begin shipping on April 3rd in America (WiFi versions only). So far over 121,000 orders have reportedly sailed through online and those with lighter wallets but hopeful hearts are counting down the days.


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