Entries in iPad (139)


Amazon Kindle now priced at US $189

Responding to pressure from Barnes & Noble's Nook and Apple's iPad, Amazon has lowered the price of its Kindle 2 which is now available for $189.00. Canadians should note that conversion and shipping charges plus import taxes will apply. When we reviewed the Kindle in November last year it cost a total of US $312.


iPad begins selling in Canada

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple's iPad is now for sale in Apple Retail Stores. Opening up early this morning, the Apple Eaton Centre downtown location played host to a frenzied crowd of iPad starved customers who have had to wait two-months to get their iPad on. Best Buy and Future Shop are also expected to carry the device even if they won't be open early today.

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Breaking News: Bell announces iPad 3G+WiFi plans in Canada



Bell today announced it will offer dedicated data plans for iPad with Wi-Fi +3G in Canada, beginning May 28. All data plans will be available without a  contract, providing the freedom to activate or cancel a plan at any time. Plans  also include unlimited access to Bell Wi-Fi hotspots in Canada, including 700 Starbucks locations, at no additional cost.

Bell's data plans are identical to those revealed by rival Rogers last month.

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The future of magazines, the Wired way

Wired Magazine with the help of Adobe, has just released its Wired for iPad interactive publication which, as seen from the video above, offers a variety of rich, dynamic content such as video, audio and animation. Is this the new face of publishing? Will it catch on? Only time will tell. Wired seems pretty stoked at the possibilities.

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