Microsoft ending several Lumia mobile apps in preparation of Windows 10 on phones

As Microsoft moves towards a post-Nokia direction with Windows 10 on phones, it has decided to deep-six to get rid of various, once-innovative Lumia apps. So, we pour one out for Lumia Storyteller, Lumia Beamer, Photobeamer, Lumia Refocus, Lumia Panorama and Video Uploader which are no longer going to be available.
Moreover, these apps will no longer have online services available and will no longer be supported after October 30, 2015. While none of these apps will be forcefully dissapeared from exisitingd devices, the fact that they are dead to Microsoft simply means that they are just taking up space, so it is best to move on.
Too bad, though. These were some of the apps that made Windows Phone really special and different, but I guess they have no place in a world where Nokia can no longer make a plea for them to exist.