Entries in OWLE BUBO (2)


Review: Olloclip Quick Connect Lens for iPhone 4 and 4S

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

I have always said that the iPhone 4 and the 4S had tremendous potential as mobile cameras and would benefit from a lens system. There have been solutions for sure but none as elegant and effective as Olloclip's trifecta of lenses.

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WishList: OWLE BUBO iPhone 4 camcorder mount

The iPhone 4 is already blessed with one of the best 5 megapixel HD (720P) cameras on any modern smartphone and the built-in accelerometers and gyroscope make its stabilization capabilities really shine. The iPhone's sleek and slippery profile, however,  makes it difficult to manage. The OWLE BUBO camcorder mount  (US$169) acts like a harness, provides a way to mount 3rd party lenses and microphones. Anyone thinking of broadcasting from the iPhone 4 should consider this rig and all the expansion it offers.