Entries in Macro (3)


Adaptalux is a miniature lighting studio for macro photography and videography

Adaptalux is a adaptable miniature lighting studio for macro photography, product photography and videography.

Created around modular design, it allows the user to easily ‘build’ a lighting environment around a subject with complete freedom. This allows for fantastic lighting to be created, which results in awesome photographs that are creative and stand out. Adaptalux has been designed to be used by photographers of all ability. Currently, we are raising the funds required for mass manufacturing through Kickstarter.

As of right now the inventors have raised £48,042 of our £100,000 goal on Kickstarter with 24 days to go.


Review: Olloclip Quick Connect Lens for iPhone 4 and 4S

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

I have always said that the iPhone 4 and the 4S had tremendous potential as mobile cameras and would benefit from a lens system. There have been solutions for sure but none as elegant and effective as Olloclip's trifecta of lenses.

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Video: Olympus E-PL2 Micro Four Thirds camera and accessories 

Canadianreviewer.com talks to Rick Sasserath, Technical Administrator Public Relations for Olympus Imaging  America Inc. Rick walks us through the new E-PL2 Micro Four Thirds Camera and its intriguing new accessories including the PenPAL Bluetooth Transmitter and Macro Lights as well as lens adapters.