CES 2020: L'Oreal Perso wants to customize your skin care and makeup routines

L'Oreal Technology Incubator
The idea behind L'Oreal Technology Incubator's newest project revolves around personalization. It's even in the name itself. The L'Oreal Perso uses augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and environmental data (like weather and UV index) to mix and dispense the exact amount of product you need from three NFC-enabled cartridges. The products in these cartridges could be serum, antioxidant, and moisturizer.
Perso uses the app first to scan your face so it can analyze your skin's condition. It will grade your skin's quality based on criteria like dark spots, radiance, sagging, wrinkles, and pore visibility. The app will also take into account your skin-care goals, like getting rid of dark spots.