Entries in Microsoft Xbox One (60)


Microsoft Project Scarlett console will be compatible with Xbox One accessories and games

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Existing Xbox One owners wouldn’t have to worry about upgrading to the Project Scarlett console. Once this next-generation console launches, existing games, controllers, and accessories of the Xbox One will work with it. Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, said during Microsoft’s Inside Xbox E3 event, “We thought out our design for Project Scarlett, we definitely wanted to make sure that we were compatible across all the generations. Not just with the games, but the accessories. It’s really us respecting the purchases gamers have made on our platform.” And yes, it’ll also work with the upcoming Xbox Elite 2 controller. The Project Scarlett console is expected to arrive in the fall of 2020 alongside the new Halo Infinite game.

Source: The Verge


‘Dark Pictures: Man of Medan’ to launch this August 30th

If you’re familiar with Supermassive’s Until Dawn, then you won’t have trouble understanding what to do with the developer’s new Dark Pictures Anthology. This interactive horror series is launching with Man of Medan this August 30th. It’ll be coming to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The story revolves around a group on a diving vacation gone wrong. They end up kidnapped and trapped in a ghost ship. The choices you make in the game will determine whether these characters live or die. This anthology takes place in a shared universe and Supermassive plans to release a Dark Pictures game every six months.

The game will have a “Curator’s Cut” mode, which will come to all players for free eventually, but those who pre-order gain access to this mode from day one. In this mode, you’ll be able to replay scenes from the perspectives of the other characters when you finish the game. You also get more choices that affect the story in new ways. This mode also offers scenes and secrets not available in the main game.

Source: Engadget


Prepare for the most anticipated games of 2019 on the Xbox

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There are many things we love about a new year, one of them is getting new games to play. Here’s a list of the big titles coming to the Xbox One in 2019. Quick note for the Microsoft Studios titles, those will be launched in Xbox Game Pass on the same date as their global release.

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You can now preorder ‘Crackdown 3’ on the Xbox One

While the release of Crackdown 3 has been pushed back to February 15, 2019, the game is now available for preorder on the Xbox One. You can preorder it digitally through the Xbox Store and buy it for $79.99 or plat it for free via an Xbox Game Pass. You will play a super-powered Agent in Crackdown 3’s “open-world sandbox of mayhem and destruction.”  You use your abilities to stop a “ruthless criminal empire.” And you can either play the campaign on your own, play with a friend in co-op mode, or play in an all-new multiplayer mode.

Source: Windows Central

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