Entries in Microsoft (234)


Microsoft is being sued for ‘willfully’ ignoring holographic imaging patents

Microsoft’s HoloLens just ran into some legal issues in the US. The company’s mixed-reality device is at the center of a patent infringement lawsuit filed by HoloTouch for infringing on two of its patents. The tech is built to let users interact with holographic images. According to the Connecticut-based company, Microsoft “willfully” knew of and ignored HoloTouch’s patented technology, which have been dated back to over a decade already. The company is seeking a jury trial and triple damages (without the specific amount being outlined).

In the filing, it’s said HoloTouch first approached Microsoft back in 2006 for a partnership but never heard from them. Microsoft later on allegedly filed its own patent in 2013, which cited HoloTouch’s patents as “prior art,” meaning the company was aware of HoloTouch’s work. According to HoloTouch, they reached out again in 2015 and 2016 to discuss a licensing agreement for the patents but didn’t hear from Microsoft then either. If proven, this could cause some financial damage to Microsoft, especially with the company’s patents extending beyond the US to include Canada, Australia, the UK, and Japan.

Source: Engadget


With the ZBook X2, HP proves it can build a better Surface than Microsoft

It is said that many of Microsoft's OEM partners resented the company's entry into hardware with the Surface devices. While Microsoft tried to appease said partners by not making its products direct competitors (i.e. no flip functionality, targetting the very high-end), the existence of the Surface Book, in particular, ruffled a few feathers.

Now we see partner OEM's taking it to Microsoft with similarly impressive hardware. HP unveiled the HP ZBook x2, its newest product designed to improve performance and mobility needs for the creative community. HP is making no bones about who they are after. They openly compare the ZBook X2 with the Surface Pro. Featuring quad-core processors as well as NVDIA Quadro graphics that are 73 per cent faster than the Surface Pro.

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Microsoft ushers in the era of Quantum Computing at Ignite 2017

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Microsoft kicked off its Ignite conference in Orlando, Florida yesterday. The company welcomed over 25,000 business customers to its annual IT event to showcase its latest enterprise solutions and highlight its future directions.

Microsoft showcased how it is infusing cloud, AI and mixed reality across it products to help customers visualize and create the future of business. Microsoft also shared how quantum computers could help solve some of our planet’s biggest challenges.


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Microsoft CEO Nadella pens "Hit Refresh," book about corporate transformation

Hard to believe it's been four years since Microsoft chose Satya Nadella to lead the company to the future. Since then, there's been massive change afoot in Redmond, with Microsoft focusing on its cloud solutions and services while making a bit of a name for itself with its Surface line of 2-in-1's, laptops and desktops while successfully launching Windows 10, bolstering Xbox and purchasing LinkedIn. Nadella has shown proficiency in guiding the company as well as representing its interests and his book, titled "Hit Refresh," gives colleagues and customers an in-depth look at his philosophy and focus.

“Hit Refresh” isn’t a victory lap or a how-to manual. That would be premature. It’s a set of reflections, ideas and principles on transformation. It explores the renaissance of a storied company and the implications of the coming wave of technology — artificial intelligence, mixed reality and quantum computing — which will soon disrupt the status quo impacting our lives, communities and economies. It’s also a set of questions for anybody searching for improvement — for themselves as leaders, for their institutions and for society."

“Hit Refresh” goes on sale globally Sept. 26, 2017, and is available for preorder today. Satya Nadella will donate all proceeds from “Hit Refresh” to Microsoft Philanthropies.

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