Entries in mobile games (5)


Apple reverses decision and approves controversial game ‘Liyla and The Shadows of War’

It’s generally a murky process trying to get politically or culturally charged content up on Apple’s App Store. They tend to shy away from controversial topics or subject matters. A recent example is Liyla and The Shadows of War, which follows the story of a young Palestinian girl living in the Gaza Strip while the conflict in Israel is ongoing. Apple initially rejected it saying it “is not appropriate in the Games category.” Palestinian developer and Liyla creator Rasheed Abueideh shared the text he got from Apple where part of the message also says, “It would be more appropriate to categorize your app in News or Reference for example.” Apple was both unwilling to permit the developer’s message to come out and they even didn’t want it to be considered a game. 

But it seems backlash from the rejection was enough to get Apple’s attention as well as to reconsider putting the game up of the App Store. It’s up on both iOS and Android now.

Source: The Verge


Capcom establishes mobile division with four games in the works

Capcom acknowledges the growth of the mobile gaming market and is now looking to cash in on it. The company went through reorganization to establish a new dedicated mobile business division to “aggressively release titles utilizing its IP” including brands like Mega Man, Monster Hunter, and Sengoku BASARA. Capcom has officially integrated Beeline Interactive Japan Inc. to create Capcom Mobile Co., Ltd., this was previously pursuing a different strategy from Capcom. But with plans to release games globally, they will need all the help they can get. Four mobile titles are expected to be released by the company’s fiscal year end next March. Three out of the four are the aforementioned titles.

Source: Capcom | Via: SlashGear


‘Fallout Shelter’ to land on Android on August 13th

You have less than a month’s wait if you’ve been keeping your eye out for the Android debut of Fallout Shelter. The first-ever mobile game from Bethesda Game Studios is designed to promote the upcoming Fallout 4 release. The free-to-play game has you taking care of residents in your own post-apocalyptic Vault-Tec Vault. You need to find supplies and make sure the residents aren’t happy and won’t wreck the place. Fallout Shelter first came out on iOS in June.

Source: Android Police


Cut the Buttons goes lite

You love your favorite timewasters but need something new to play with? If you haven’t give Cut the Buttons a try, now’s the time to do so. There’s now a free lite version of the addictive game. It still contains the much-loved classic mode, multi-touch and multi-user capability, and minimal ads. More information about the game is available on its official site