Entries in Motorola Milestone (8)


Review: HTC Desire Z Android smartphone

Photo courtesy of HTCBy Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Earlier this year, we reviewed the Google Nexus One, an HTC designed smartphone whose specs and feature set defined it as the ultimate Google Android phone in a touch-screen form factor. Now, many month's later, the HTC Desire Z (AKA the T-Mobile G2) iterates on the look, feel and functionality of the Nexus One and adds a stunning QWERTY pop-out keyboard for good measure.

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Review: Google Maps Navigation app (Beta) on Android

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Google Maps navigation app, which is now free to all Android OS devices (version 1.6 upwards) turns any GPS enabled Android phone into a capable and full featured GPS device that's hinged on Google's own formidable Maps technology. Still very much a Beta product, the application gives us a preview of what we can expect from Google once the kinks are ironed out.


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Review: Motorola Milestone on Telus (Update)

Updated on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 7:56PM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla


By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

Still the flagship Google Android phone sold in Canada in terms of specs and OS version offered, the recently updated Motorola Milestone is proving to be a big win for Motorola as well as a great standard bearer for Android on Telus. Recent updates to OS version 2.1 have expanded functionality, improved battery life and made this smartphone more compelling.

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Motorola Milestone Android 2.1 update now available

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Motorola Milestone owners can now update to Google Android's latest mobile OS release version 2.1 which now available through a download on Motorola Canada's website.

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