Entries in Nexus 4 (13)


First Impressions of the Google Nexus 4 

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

So, I finally received the 16GB Nexus 4 I ordered a few weeks ago when limited stock was made available to Canadian buyers. The latest and greatest Nexus smartphone, made by LG, is one powerful device but also lacks some key features that some users really want.

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Nexus 4 shortage traced to 'scarce and erratic' supply by LG

The highly desirable but indefinitely unattainable $309 Google Nexus 4 flagship smartphone has been in notoriously short supply since it launched a month ago. The devices have been out of stock for the most part and while they have been made available on occasion, supplies sell out within minutes.

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Google's Nexus 4 smartphone reappears briefly for Canadian buyers

Updated on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 11:38AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The much desired yet ever-elusive Google Nexus 4 smartphone was made available briefly yesterday at Google's Play Store. As a prospective buyer who signed up to be notified of the Nexus 4's availability weeks ago, I received an email at 1:35PM from Google stating that the Nexus 4 would be available for purchase starting at 3:00 PM Eastern time.

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Google's unlocked Nexus 4 sale fail

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Was it a case of bait and switch or did Google really not have enough stock of its anticipated Nexus 4 smartphones to sell to buyers. 

Either way, today's sale fail doesn't speak well of Google who announced the new devices on October 29, generated intense hype and interest and then failed to deliver on product stock.


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