Entries in online (30)


HBO gunning for cord-cutters with online service, but not yet for Canada

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Viewers have spoken and HBO has listened. The popular cable network announced yesterday that it will create a cable-free online service for customers in the USA. This means consumers no longer need to subscirbe to expensive cable packages that bundle a bunch of channels they aren't interested in just so they can watch Game of Thrones or True Detective.

"That is a large and growing opportunity that should no longer be left untapped," HBO's CEO Richard Plepler said. "It is time to remove all barriers to those who want HBO."

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Xbox One's marquee game Titanfall launches in downtown Toronto

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Microsoft, Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment gave Toronto gamers a chance to try the new Titanfall XBox One game which is considered by many to be the most important title on Microsoft's new gaming and home theatre console. Guests lined up outside the Tatoo Rock Parlour which was set up like an arcade with various networked Xbox One consoles and HDTVs running the multiplayer-focused first person shooter. Respawn's game director Dave Fukuda was on hand during the event.

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Vine brings full profiles, TV mode online

Twitter’s six-second video app Vine has finally been ported online to allow you to check your feed, share, like and comment on videos as well as browse through the body of work of your favorite Vine users.

While you still can’t record videos using your webcam, at least you can view your favorite clips in TV mode. This new feature allows you to watch a user’s clips consecutively and in full screen mode. You can skip through videos with the arrow buttons or just watch every single Vine a user posts.

Source: Vine’s Blog


Get rid of your online accounts with Justdelete.me

A lot of sites make their account deletion process as hard to find as possible. That’s why UK-based pair Robb Lewis and Ed Poole created a simple but indispensable resource called Justdelete.me. The site is a directory of links where you can say goodbye to a myriad of online services and it also shows you who simple or impossible it is to delete your account on these websites.