Entries in OS X (35)


Microsoft brings OS X-like trackpad gestures to Windows 10

If you feel like consistent trackpad gestures have been missing on your Windows device, Microsoft is looking to change that with Windows 10. Microsoft's Joe Belfiore said at TechEd Europe that they are working to remedy that. "With Windows 10 we're adding support for power users in a touch pad, where multiple finger gestures—which all of you power users learn—can make you really efficient."

The features outlined by Belfiore include: three-finger swipe down to minimize all active Windows and three-finger swipe up to bring them back. You can use a three-finger swipe up to open new Task View feature and swipe left and right with your three fingers to switch between apps. Yes, these gestures are what is being used in OS X. We expect some issues to arise in the near future.

Source: The Verge | Via: Gizmodo


Apple clarifies take on "Shellshock" bash bug

Apple has reached out to clarify that most Mac OS X users are safe from the circulating bash bug exploit also known as "Shellshock."

"The vast majority of OS X users are not at risk to recently reported bash vulnerabilities. Bash, a UNIX command shell and language included in OS X, has a weakness that could allow unauthorized users to remotely gain control of vulnerable systems. With OS X, systems are safe by default and not exposed to remote exploits of bash unless users configure advanced UNIX services. We are working to quickly provide a software update for our advanced UNIX users.”

So there you have it, nothing to worry about unless you're deep into UNIX.


Evernote for Mac gets image resizing feature, Spotlight search for notes

Evernote is adding more functionality to its Mac app with a new list of features. Users can resize images dynamically. You just need to grab the bottom right corner and resize accordingly. You can also search within notes using OS X’s Spotlight feature, which would come in handy when you can find bits of information tucked away within your notebooks.

The app also gets better syncing capabilities, improved tables tool, and bigger checkboxes. In-app search also shows results based on relevancy. According to Evernote’s Vice President of Market Andrew Sinkov, they also remedied over 500 bugs and 200 different crashes with this latest update.

Source: Evernote | Via: The Next Web


Preview: Mac OS X Yosemite Public Beta

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

One year after what looked to be a massive revamp in look, feel, user experience and naming convention, Mac OS X has undergone and even more dramatic and comprehensive makeover with Mac OS X Yosemite. 

While expected to ship in the fall, there’s currently a Public Beta version of Yosemite available to interested beta testers who are welcome to join Apple engineers and developers in experiencing, testing and fine tuning this most innovative of operating systems. Hit jump to read my first impressions of this new OS.

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