Entries in OS X (35)


Apple now selling OS X Lion in USB thumdrives

Users who want a physical copy of Mac OS X Lion or who don't want the $29.99 download can now purchase the latest Mac OS in USB thumbdrive form for $69.99 at the Apple Online Store. Just like the OS that ships with the MacBook Air (but installable in most modern Macs).


Review: OS X 10.7 Lion

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple's OS X 10.7 Lion is the most advanced version of the Mac operating system and is the first to be sold as a digital download via the Mac App Store.

Bridging the gap between the touch-focused mobile iOS 5 and further refining the desktop system, Lion may not be as revolutionary as previous versions but instead brings a number of compelling feature updates, conveniences and solid refinements all for the price of $30.

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The Apple Beat: Countdown to Apple's WWDC 2011

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

San Francisco - A few hours away from the 2011 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference and expectations are running high on what the upcoming announcements  will mean for Apple and for the technology sector. iCloud, Apple's new streaming delivery service is expected to be big news, specially if it can deliver an entirely new model of content distribution to its hundreds of millions of existing iTunes users. Here's what we expect today.

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The Apple Beat: Happy Birthday OS X!

Apple faithful and crafty prospectors line up for iPad 2 in Buffalo :Photo by Sixian ZhengBy Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The iPad 2 is finally coming to Canada tomorrow afternoon and Apple Retail Stores will once more see long lines of excited customers. Many will be first-time buyers who waited patiently for the iPad to go version 2.0 before plunging into the tablet space. Others are upgraders hungry for the latest and greatest and as always, there will be shrewd prospectors out to make a few hundred bucks.


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