Entries in Ping (2)


Review: Rdio streaming music service

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

A few weeks ago during a Telus event, we met some folks for Rdio, a streaming music service with over 7,000,000 songs. Rdio is available as a website and also has clients for the iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone mobile devices, which can play streaming music or cache songs for offline playback. There are also clients for the Roku and Sonos systems. The web-based service also offers a native desktop client app for Mac OS X and Windows.


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iOS 4.1 update now available for iPhone and iPod Touch

Revealed last week and available right now Apple's iOS 4.1 update fixes a number of bugs on the iPhone 4, specifically the glitchy proximity sensor as well as two dozen security patches. Hit jump for a video of iOS 4.1 as well as a run down of all the features and fixes.

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