Entries in iPhone 3GS (5)


iOS 4.1 update now available for iPhone and iPod Touch

Revealed last week and available right now Apple's iOS 4.1 update fixes a number of bugs on the iPhone 4, specifically the glitchy proximity sensor as well as two dozen security patches. Hit jump for a video of iOS 4.1 as well as a run down of all the features and fixes.

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Review: Hipstamatic Camera for the iPhone (updated)

By Gadjo C. Sevilla

It is seldom that we find one iPhone app that gives us so much pleasure to use. As photograhy buffs, we've run the gamut of iPhone camera apps which enhance the device's convenient but often limited built-in camera. We've had our turn with Lomography type cameras as well as special effects apps that alter and enhance photos but many of those feel like cheap gimmicks. When we discovered Hipstamatic App, this all changed.

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2010: The Year of the Tablet PC


Let us forget the rumours that Apple is releasing a tabletized version of the iPhone, or a successor to the Newton- 2010 will shape up to be the year of the tablet. Think about it, netbooks have had a good run, they’re everywhere and can be had for cheap but that market is slowing down.

Multi-touch technology, lower prices of SSD (Solid State Drive) memory, better battery technology and the availability of ultra-crisp LED screens are all at the right price point plus operating systems like Windows 7, Linux and Google’s Chrome and Android are all tablet-ready.

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Telus launches HSPA+ service with new smartphones, Motorola Milestone imminent

Updated on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 7:53AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Telus offered a media sneak peek earlier this week, showing off some new handsets to go along with a new and improved network. Gadjo Sevilla was there.


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