Entries in security (32)


McAfee Leads in enterprise endpoint protection and threat detection 

McAfee  announced several market validations of its enterprise endpoint security technology, with independent proof of superior threat detection and endpoint performance, powered by a unique unified threat intelligence system and an integrated management platform.


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Symantec: Android malware threat escalating

A recent study by Symantec claims that malware and viruse threats on Google's mobile Android OS are increasing. The malware makes it way to Android devices through popular free applications as well as unnoficial marketplaces not supported by Google. For a full list of malicious  apps hit jump.

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Symantec report: "Cybercrime Strikes More Than Two-Thirds of Internet Users"

The next time you surf the Internet, consider this: You might be just one click away from becoming the next cybercrime victim. A new study released today from security software maker Norton reveals the staggering prevalence of cybercrime: Two-thirds (65 percent) of Internet users globally have fallen victim to cybercrimes, including computer viruses, online credit card fraud and identity theft.

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Symantec looks to security beyond the PC

Symantec recently unveiled Norton Everywhere, a three-part initiative to take Norton beyond the PC and extend trust to new devices and consumer applications. The initiative spans the areas of mobile safety, web safety across any device and embedded services on smart devices.


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