Entries in Smartphones (52)


Review: BlackBerry Z10

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

After a long wait and pent-up expectations, BlackBerry's new flagship smartphone arrives with a solid new and modern mobile operating system. The BlackBerry Z10, which is coming to Canadian carriers on February 5, is the nexus of BlackBerry's plan to be the one device for work and for personal use. Here's my take on the BlackBerry Z10 smartphone. I'll be reviewing BlackBerry 10 OS separately in a few weeks.

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Videotron to begin offering Google's Nexus 4 smartphone starting tomorrow

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Nexus 4, which went on sale for a few hours and was never seen or heard from again, will be carried by Videotron starting tomorrow. The release from Videotron states, "Videotron's handset lineup is expanding again! As of tomorrow, Videotron customers will be able to pick up the eagerly awaited Nexus 4 from Google, powered by the brand-new Android 4.2 Jelly Bean operating system and featuring cutting-edge specs. It will be offered starting at $149.95 for a 36-month contract. Way to go Videotron!


CES 2013: Canon to challenge smartphones with PowerShot N

What can digital camera manufacturers do to keep users interested when everyone's moving to smartphones as their point-and-shoot camera of choice. Canon has created an entirely new product called the PowerShot N which has a squarish and compact shape, features easy operation and has WiFi built in. The PowerShot N is expected to ship next month and will cost $300. A little steep for what it is but you do get 8x optical zoom, a 2.8 swiveling touch screen and the ability to shoot HD video.


CES 2013: NVIDIA's quad-core Tegra 4 to be twice as fast as Tegra 3

NVIDIA's new Tegra 4 mobile processor is expected to take smartphones and tablets to a whole new level thanks to its LTE-enabled quad-core architecture which has 72-GPU cores. This translates to twice the speed of the current Tegra 3 processor and an abundance of performance for a SoC (System on a Chip). What is more impressive is improved battery consumption with NVIDIA stating 45 per cent less power than the Tegra 3 in “common use cases” as per reports.

The Tegra 4 has also been designed to enhance photo and video functionality in devices for an even better generation of smartphone cameras. Hit jump to get the specs on Tegra 4.

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