Entries in Steve Jobs (17)


Poster for "Jobs" biopic revealed with nod to iPod adverts, Psychedelia

The poster for the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic starring Aston Kutcher has made an appearance. Aside from an uncanny resemblance to the real Steve Jobs in his later years. The determined stare, the John Lennon specs and the circa 1997 beard are all remarkably bang on. The poster's art treatment recalls some of the iconic iPod print ads (as well as some of the lively colours of the upcoming iOS 7). The film's tagline says "some see what's possible. others change what's possible." Then, a nod to LSD and psychedelic drug use, "Turn on your mind. August 16." Personally, just the image and the title would have sufficed, but whatever. I'm intrigued and I am going to see it. I hope it's good and doesn't suck.


New trailer for Steve Jobs’ biopic

The first trailer for the upcoming movie “Jobs”—the Steve Jobs’ biopic starring Ashton Kutcher—just made its way online roughly a month or so before the movie opens on August 16. Jobs is also starring Dermot Mulroney, Lukas Haas, Matthew Modine, and J.K. Simmons.

What are your thoughts on the movie? Are you going to watch it? We’d love to hear what you have to say.


Apple remembers Steve Jobs with video slideshow at Apple.com

It has been a year since Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs' passing. Apple has placed a touching video slideshow and retrospective of their iconic leader with various highlights and sound bites from various milestones in Apple's history through the years.

After the short video, a note from Apple CEO Tim Cook reads, "One of the greatest gifts Steve gave to the world is Apple. No company has ever insipired such creativity or set such high standards for itself. our values originated from Steve and his spirit will forever be the foundation at Apple. We share the great privilege and responsibility ofcarrying his legacy into the future."


Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson coming this Monday to bookstores, Amazon Kindle and iBookstore


This Monday marks the day that Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson hits bookstores  (34% off in Indigo) and the Amazon Kindle as well as iBookstore. Probably the closest thing to an authorized biography of Jobs, many will be interested to read the over 650 pages focusing on this most enigmatic personallity.  Isaacson is a noted biographer and served as Chairman and CEO of CNN and the Managing Editor of TIME.  We can't wait to read, we've pre ordered our eBook on Amazon and left an away message on our celfone for Monday. Hit jump for the official press release.

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