Entries in biopic (3)


Edward Snowden held secret talks with Joseph Gordon-Levitt for actor’s biopic role

Actors generally talk to the people they play in biographical movies. But what if you’re researching a high-profile fugitive? It would seem it’s still possible. Joseph Gordon-Levitt admitted to holding a secret four-hour meeting with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in Russia. The meeting was so secret that Gordon-Levitt was advised to not record the conversation and avoid acknowledging the talks even happened for a while. According to the actor, he believes Snowden acted out of genuine concern that mass surveillance in America was going too far. Gordon-Levitt will be playing Snowden in the upcoming biopic helmed by Oliver Stone.

Source: The Guardian | Via: Engadget 


Poster for "Jobs" biopic revealed with nod to iPod adverts, Psychedelia

The poster for the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic starring Aston Kutcher has made an appearance. Aside from an uncanny resemblance to the real Steve Jobs in his later years. The determined stare, the John Lennon specs and the circa 1997 beard are all remarkably bang on. The poster's art treatment recalls some of the iconic iPod print ads (as well as some of the lively colours of the upcoming iOS 7). The film's tagline says "some see what's possible. others change what's possible." Then, a nod to LSD and psychedelic drug use, "Turn on your mind. August 16." Personally, just the image and the title would have sufficed, but whatever. I'm intrigued and I am going to see it. I hope it's good and doesn't suck.


Video: A scene from the upcoming Steve Jobs "jOBS" biopic

ET Online got hold of this scene from the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic titled jOBS which stars Ashton Kucher in the title role. This scene shows Jobs and Woz (Josh Gad) about to invent the personal computer for the rest of us. The jOBS biopic which will hit theatres on April 19th and focuses on various moments in the Apple founders life between 1971-2001. Kucher seems to have captured the gait and some of the manners of Steve Jobs, we can also see flashes of the intensity of his character. Another Steve Jobs biopic, to be penned by Aaron Sorkin is also currently under development but hasn't been cast yet.

Source: ET Online