‘Avengers: Endgame’ gets ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ trailer as its post-credits scene

Jay Maidment/Sony Pictures
If you were waiting for a “proper” post-credits scene for Avengers: Endgame and was disappointed, then here’s some news for you. The epic finale to the Infinity Saga finally gets a post-credits scene. Now, if you’re a fan, you’ve probably already seen it, though. Endgame’s new post-credits scene is the second trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home. And if you’ve seen it, you know it’s full of spoilers and Easter eggs about Endgame, so it seems like a proper thing to tack onto the end of the film. So, if you’re catching Endgame for the first time or heading into theatres for the nth time, then now you know you can stay to the end for a post-credits scene.
Source: Polygon