Entries in web tv (2)


Intel pulls plug on internet TV due to lack of content deals

Chip maker Intel announced back in February 2013 that the company will try their luck in the Web TV market. Now, the company is reportedly planning to sell off the Intel Media business unit to Verizon. Why did things change?

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich told Recode that the project wasn’t getting the necessary content deals despite the product being a “great device” equipped with “great technology.” “When you go and play with the content guys, it’s all about volume. And we come at it with no background, no experience, no volume,” he said.


Where to watch CBC's stream of the FIFA World Cup online

In a monumental and unprecedented move, the CBC will make sure that everyone who wants to watch the 2010 FIFA World Cup starting tomorrow will be able to catch the games on TV and streaming live online.

 The CBC Sports website announced  "Between June 11th and July 11th 2010 watch every game streamed will be LIVE on CBCSports.ca". Details and schedule can be found here.

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