Entries in web (18)


Toronto-based Bitstrips secures $ 3 Million investment

By now, we've all seen the Bitstrips web comics on Facebook and other social media websites. Well, the Toronto-based startup that invented the DIY comics just received a $3 million investment from Horizon Ventures of Hong Kong. The 17-man group is expecting to grow the business organically, slowly building staff up while improving on their product. To date, 30 million avatars have been built, which proves that Bitstrips have some momentum going for them.


FileMaker 13 launches, enabling custom solutions for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web

FileMaker unveiled the next-generation platform for business productivity: FileMaker 13. The new software makes it even faster and easier than ever for teams to create gorgeous, tailored business solutions for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web that deliver significant productivity gains.

FileMaker has always made powerful and intuitive database applications on Macs and PCs as well as for iOS. The Apple subsidiary is taking things to a whole new level with their FileMaker 13 platform which is launching today for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the Web.

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Rdio brandishes new functionality, ease of discoverability

Streaming music service Rdio continues to enhance its feature set with a variety of updates to their web and desktop apps. Music discovery is front and centre with ways to personalize your music exploration and give you more control over the music you’re listening to, as you’re listening to it.  Hit jump for the full menu of new features.

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Adobe pushes HTML5 Web tooling to Creative Cloud users

Adobe  announced the first public preview of Adobe Edge Reflow, a new responsive design tool for Web designers and developers creating websites and content for screens of virtually all sizes. In addition, the company released new feature updates for Adobe Edge Animate, Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Edge Code preview.  All today’s announced product releases are available exclusively to Adobe Creative Cloud members.

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