Entries in Xbox live (4)


How the $1.8 Billion in-game advertising industry works

We had the privilege of speaking with Jeffrey Dickstein of Massive Incorporated who is a Microsoft subsidiary that handles in-game advertising. These are the familiar brands and ad billboards that are seen in games and are part of real-world campaigns. Sports games are the most popular way to deliver these ads since advertisements are already part of the in-stadium environment.

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New XBox 360 launched, Kinect motion gaming announced

Seems the earlier leak was correct. Microsoft revealed a slimmed down version of their XBox 360 console with an all new design, 250GB hard drive and built-in Wi-Fi. The new XBox runs quieter and cooler and will hopefully be devoid of the problems that plagued the earlier XBox 360. The bigger news was the launch of Kinect, previously known as Project Natale, which is Microsoft's motion-gaming system that uses no controller

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Microsoft unveils Windows Phone 7 Series, available end of 2010

Microsoft recently revealed the new direction it is taking with its smartphone operating system. Launched by CEO Steve Ballmer at the 2010 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain- Windows Phone 7 Series is the company's latest answer to Apple's iPhone OS, Palm's WebOS, Google's Android and Blackberry mobile OS. More details and video of Windows Phone 7 in action after the break.

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Review: Forza Motorsport 3 for Xbox 360

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Forza Motorsport 3: The quintessential racing simulator

There's enough depth, variation and substance in Forza Motorsport 3 to keep every gearhead, tuner, painter, speed demon and online race nut busy and happy for a long, long while.

Packed with so much content that it's a two-disc affair, Forza Motorsport 3 (FM3) squeezes 10 times the polygons that the previous version offered. This means more itty-bitty shapes making up the shape of a car to go from car-shaped representation to photo realistic replica. The attention to detail and texture is evident everywhere, even as the game zooms along at 60 frames per second. When watching playback videos of races, you'll easily confuse them for race footage on your favorite sports channel.

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