Entries in ad (17)


Apple’s new ‘Shot on iPhone’ ad honors moms

A week ahead of Mother’s Day, Apple’s new “Shot on iPhone” ad pays tribute to one of the most important people in your life, your mom. It shows a collection of images and videos of mothers interacting with their children. Underneath each photo or clip is the name of the amateur iPhone user who captured the moment.

You can also now add a photo of your mom to the Mother’s Day film for a personal touch.  

Access the campaign directly at www.momsshotoniphone.com



Source: MacRumors


Volvo’s new ‘Highway Robbery’ campaign turns passing cars into generators


With the release of the new plug-in hybrid version of the Volvo XC90, the Swedish carmaker outed a new clever publicity stunt for said vehicle. Seemingly sketchy with the name “Highway Robbery,” what the video shows is actually a contraption of sorts along the southern California highway that pushed water into a generator when a car passed by. This turns the hydraulic power created by the cars passing by into electric power for the car. Alongside the road there is a shiny white XC90 T8 parked that gets all that power. A Jumbotron near the setup taunts driving passengers by displaying messages like “Thanks for the extra miles, Jeep.” A crafty marketing ploy, we have to say.

Source: The Verge


Apple celebrates iPhone appreciation with new series of ads

iPhone is Apple's most important and profitable product, it is also the nerve-centre of various expanding ecosystems (i.e. HealthKit, watchOS, CarPlay, AirPlay, HomeKit). The latest series of ads titled 'If it's not an iPhone," celebrate iPhone ownership while possibly shooting missives at some rival devices that have copied aspects of the iPhone's look and feel. The new ads have a slick yet playful vibe, reminiscent of the classic iPod advertisements of years past.

Source: Apple


Apple releases Oscar ad shot on iPad

Just in time for the Oscar’s, Apple is promoting the usefulness of its tablets when it comes to film making. The new ad airing at tonight’s awards show features students from the Los Angeles County High School. They used an iPad to write, produce, shoot, score, and edit films. The ad called “Make a film with iPad” was shot with an iPad Air 2 and even includes a voiceover from director Martin Scorsese. There is also a special section on the App Store now that highlights the different apps that the students used to make their films.

Source: Mashable | Via: MacRumors