Entries in Android 2.2 (7)


Breaking News: Google Nexus One resurrected, now available from Mobilicity for $549

One of the most sough after Android super smartphones, Google's own Nexus One (developed by HTC) was prematurely discontinued a few months ago when Google realized that the direct-to-user phone sales system it was employing wasn't working well and sales fell short of expectations. Mobilicity just announced it is selling the Nexus One and this time with Android OS 2.2. Hit jump for the full announcement.

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Preview! Samsung Galaxy Tab looks impressive and just the right size

Samsung teased and teased some more before finally unveiling its Android powered Galaxy Tab earlier today. The 7-inch Android tablet sports dual cameras, 3G data and voice and full HD video playback, Details and specs of the device, official photos  plus an official TV advert  are available after the break.

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Google announces Android 2.2 Froyo with Flash, 5x speed increase

The latest version of Google Android OS, version 2.2 codenamed Froyo was announced at the Google IO developers conference. Froyo (for frozen yogurt) is the seventh update to the Android platform brings added functionality to users (things like making your handset a portable hotspot and support for Adobe Flash within the browser), along with new tools for developers and a significant 5x speed and performance increase on existing hardware.

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