Entries in Samsung Galaxy Tab (21)


Gift Guide: Three 8-inch Tablets

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Let's face it, tablets are here to stay and the 7 to 8-inch category is the most exciting and competitive area right now because they offer compact yet powerful options. Here are some that anyone will enjoy unwrapping this Holiday Season.

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Reuters: Apple iPad mini coming on October 23rd

Rendering of the iPad mini by Martn Hajek which is expected to come in late October By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

After months of rumours and speculation peppered by part leaks, 3D renderings and dummy devices, it looks like Apple is readying to unveil the much awaited iPad mini.  A report from Reuters  states that Apple will release a smaller and less costly iPad mini with a 7.85-inch screen. the device is expected to compete against popular tablets like Amazon's Kindle Fire, RIM's PlayBook and Google's Nexus 7.

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Samsung sets up Galaxy Note 10.1-inch release on August 15


By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Samsung might have found a way to make up for flagging Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 sales. It is readying the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 on August 15th by inviting some press to "meet the new way."  

The Samsung Galaxy Note was intially criticised as being too large for a smartphone although Samsung touted the stylus (which is limited in use only on certain Samsung apps) as a big feature. Despite this, te device sold 5 million units as of March, proving that there is a place for phablets in the market. 

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Samsung reveals Galaxy Tab 7 version 2 now with Ice Cream Sandwich

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Samsung has revealed one of the first tablets to ship Google Android version 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 (version 2).

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