Entries in Android (267)


Preview! Samsung Galaxy Tab 7' inch Android tablet

Here's a recently leaked video from Mobileburn.com of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Tab we wrote about back in June. From the video we learn it will be launched on September 2, 2010, will run Android OS 2.2, it has video calling capability and e-reader functionality and the 7-inch form factor allows it to be held with one hand. Below is another video of the Galaxy Tab being used in Australia.


Mobile OS Face-Off: iOS vs Android 2.2 vs bada vs Symbian^3 vs Windows Phone 7  

Words Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

(originally published in Speed Magazine, August 2010 issue)

As smartphones continue to improve in specs and capabilities they are fast approaching the realm of full-featured and truly connected handheld computers. However, just like any computer, they are only as good or as limited as their operating systems allow them to be.

The modern smartphone relies on three critical components in order to be competitive in today’s market: great hardware, a capable and stable OS, and an application ecosystem powered by strong developer support and app store.

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Borders e-store now live with Kobo, Blackberry and Android integration

The eBook market has gotten a lot more interesting as Borders just unveiled its new e-store with 1.5 Million books, integration with Kobo Reader plus a double-whammy of apps for Blackberry and for Android (Kobo has been available on iOS). Hit the jump for the full press release.

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Review: Google Maps Navigation app (Beta) on Android

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Google Maps navigation app, which is now free to all Android OS devices (version 1.6 upwards) turns any GPS enabled Android phone into a capable and full featured GPS device that's hinged on Google's own formidable Maps technology. Still very much a Beta product, the application gives us a preview of what we can expect from Google once the kinks are ironed out.


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