Entries in Apple Beat (34)


Apple reportedly hires industrial design superstar Marc Newson to join Jony Ive's team

Apple has apparently hired industrial designer Marc Newson to join his besty Jony Ive in Cupertino. This enhances Apple's already formidable design team which is considered to be the best in the industry. Newson, who collaborated with Ive to create various objects for U2 frontman Bono's project (RED) charity which raised US $ 26 million for the charity. Newson's position as well as his title has yet to be announced.

"Marc is without question one of the most influential designers of this generation," Jony Ive said. "He is extraordinarily talented. We are particularly excited to formalize our collaboration as we enjoy working together so much and have found our partnership so effective." Looks like we have the makings of a dynamic duo to lead Apple's already storied design team and it will be exciting to see what this partnership will yield. Check out Marc Newson's fantastic watch designs here.


The Apple Beat: iMac turns 16

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple's iMac turned 16 recently, and I couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic about this very important chapter in Apple's history and also in my own life. For many people, the iMac meant a more affordable Mac and one that looked unlike any other PC in the market. It ushered in a new era as the Mac for the Internet age as well as one that shed old standards for new ones. Here's a look back.

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The Apple Beat: 6 years on, the App Store remains the standard in curated ecosystems

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It's hard to believe that the original iPhone didn't ship with any 'real' apps and that it took over a year for Apple to consider opening its device to developers and third-party applications. Six years on, the App Store has evolved into the best example of a tightly curated app ecosystem.

Apple's success with the iOS App Store owes a lot to Apple's experience with iTunes although apps and music and movies are fundamentally different, the way these were presented was familiar enough to users who were buying apps to enhance their mobile devices. The App Store was a quick success, it inspired the Mac App store and made it possible to buy applications directly from a Mac and, even better, application updates are now handled automatically in the background.

More importantly, the App Store has become a storefront for thousands of developers and their mobile apps. It is by far the most profitable platform for mobile developers. 75 billion app downloads have been made in the past six years. 

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The Apple Beat: Why the time is right for larger iPhones

iPhone 6 rendering by MacRumors.comBy Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

When the iPhone first came out in 2007 (hard to believe its been that long) it had one of the largest touchscreens in the market at 3.5-inches. That size was perfect for the time given we were still on 2G networks and the app ecosystem didn’t even exist yet.

Apple finally bumped up the iPhone’s screen size to 4-inches two years ago with the iPhone 5, and that’s how big it’s been since. Looking at the competition today, 4-inches isn’t even considered the standard in cheaper mini-versions of larger flagship smartphones, many of which sport 4.3-inch to 4.5-inch screens. The larger flagship devices start at 4.7-inches and push the limit of one-handed use with 5-5.2-inch screens. 

There have been various part leaks pointing to larger 4.7-inch and possibly 5,5-inch iPhones coming this fall, and in many ways, the time is right for larger iPhones. Here’s why.

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