Entries in Bell (127)


Review: iOS 6

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s iOS 6 mobile operating system is the lifeblood of its ecosystem. It is the glue that holds together the popular iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads to thousands of applications that expand functionality and ease of use.

iOS 6 is the newest version of the oldest modern mobile operating system. iOS was a year ahead of the earliest dessert-themed mobile OS from Google and three years ahead of the tile happy Windows Phone.

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Review: Apple iPhone 5

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

Apple’s iPhone 5 is the sixth generation smartphone  from Cupertino since the first iPhone revolutionized the smartphone industry in 2007. 

Since then, it has evolved from “an iPod, a Phone and an Internet communicator” to a powerful and easy to use pocket computer with a thriving app and developer ecosystem. To date, over 250 million have been sold. 

The much awaited and incessantly leaked iPhone 5 seems to have covered all the “must-have” updates such as a larger screen, 4G-LTE data, a thinner and lighter enclosure as well as various performance improvements. 

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Apple unveils iPhone 5, the thinnest smartphone in the market

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

San Francisco- Apple Inc. revealed the iPhone 5 today with a newer form factor, a larger 4-inch retina display, a faster Apple A6 processor that has 2 times the graphics and 2 times the speed of the iPhone 4S. Apple has also added 4G-LTE data which will work with Canada's major carriers, the company has also managed improved battery life. The new iPhone will be available for pre-order on September 14, 2012 and will begin shipping in the US and Canada a week later. 

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Review: Motorola Atrix HD

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Atrix line for Motorola has remained as its flagship smartphone offering for close to three years now. It was the first model to feature dual-core processors and was said to be powerful enough to power the LapDock and HDMI desktop base station. The Atrix HD is available from Bell for $49.95 on a three year contract and $600 is the no contract price.

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