Entries in editing (4)


Author of Steve Jobs’ biography turns to the Web to edit new book

Walter Isaacson, author of the Steve Jobs biography, is taking to the internet to edit a new book about the beginnings and development of today’s digital age. Isaacson has posted parts of his new book on online publishing platforms such as LiveJournal, Medium, and Scribd to have interested parties browse through the passages and state any corrections or notes.

"One of the things I learned is the original intention of the internet was to allow collaboration on projects, and we got away from that, especially with the World Wide Web," he said in an interview with Capital. "I'm trying to find a good service that will allow people to collaborate or to crowdsource some ideas."


Reduce App makes editing photos on an iOS a breeze 

Photographers with iOS 6-enabled iPads or iPhones now have an awesome $1.99 photo resizing tool called Reduce App. As the iPad and iPad mini continue to transcend content consumption and start becoming content creation devices, the need for smart and usefull tools like Reduce App make it possible to edit images easily for sharing. Hit jump for more detailsMade by Tobias Wiedenmann, Reduce can quickly do the following.

- Resize to a given pixel size

- Limit the output to a given file size by auto-detecting the needed jpeg compression

- Resharpen the image to avoid softness from the resizing process

- Possibility to remove EXIF info (useful if you want to hide GPS information)

- Add a black or white border to seperate the image from the background

- Watermark or label your pictures by adding a text in one of it's corners.


Review: Adobe Photoshop Touch on iOS

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Adobe Photoshop is still the premier image editing application on PCs and Macs. It has been used for everything from improving digital images, altering models for magazine spreads and even designing elaborate movie backdrops.

Photoshop's key feature has always been the unparalleled ease of pushing pixels as well as layer-based editing and composition. Now on the iPad, Adobe Photoshop Touch ($9.99) lets your fingers work magic.

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Video: Adobe Photoshop Touch for iOS

Here's an overview of the features and functions of the new Adobe Photoshop Touch for iOS, a $9.99 app available today at the App Store. Android users with OS 3.1 tablets can grab it here