Entries in HTC (34)


Live from HTC's 2/19/13 Launch Event in New York

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

New York: HTC's big launch event of 2013 is finally here. Taking place right now at the Cedar Lake theatre in downtown Manhattan, the Taiwanese smartphone maker prepares to launch its newflagship smartphone called the HTC One. There have been a bunch of leaks here and there leading up to this event.


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Microsoft reveals more Windows Phone 8 features at launch

text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla.

Amateur hour is over and Microsoft is set to rejoin the highly competitive smartphone market. This was evident during a webcast event held  yesterdayat Microsoft Canada's Toronto offices where journalists and bloggers were gathered to watch  a Windows 8 event taking place in San Francisco, California.

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HTC Announces 8S and 8X Windows Phones

Text and photos by Nicholas Montgomery

New York - Building on HTC and Microsoft's 15-year relationship, HTC's Peter Chou and Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer introduced the HTC Windows Phone 8X and 8S by HTC in a press event in New York this morning. HTC officially joins Nokia and Samsung as hardware partners for the upcoming Windows Phone 8 mobile operating system expected later this year.

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HTC hires Mark Woodward as president for North America

HTC's hired former AT&T and Cingular veteran to run its North American Operations. The full press release and bio is at the break.

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