Entries in iPhone 4 (34)


Apple will cease free iPhone 4 Case program on September 30

The attenuation  or antenna signal-loss issue  that was said to affect the iPhone 4 upon its US AT&T release was not as bad globally as earlier reported and as a result, Apple will end the iPhone 4 free-case program on September 30. This case replacement program  was estimated to cost at the time it was announced Apple $175 Million.

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iOS 4.1 update now available for iPhone and iPod Touch

Revealed last week and available right now Apple's iOS 4.1 update fixes a number of bugs on the iPhone 4, specifically the glitchy proximity sensor as well as two dozen security patches. Hit jump for a video of iOS 4.1 as well as a run down of all the features and fixes.

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Review: iPhone 4 on Telus


Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We've been testing the iPhone 4 on Telus for four weeks. We've compared it to an iPhone 3GS as well as a Google Nexus One which were our previous smartphones that we used daily. Here are our impressions.

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Review: Apple iPhone 4 on Telus

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We've been testing the iPhone 4 on Telus for four weeks. We've compared it to an iPhone 3GS as well as a Google Nexus One which were our previous smartphones that we used daily. Here are our impressions.

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