Entries in iPhone (130)


iPhone and iPod Touch owners get your iOS4 on, today!

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

If you're rocking an iPhone or an iPod Touch, you will want to point your iTunes to the iOS4 update today. The new OS offers 100 new features most notable of which is multitasking plus the ability to cram your hundreds of apps into neatly grouped folders. Check out our preview of iOS4 preview and what you can expect after the upgrade.


Apple announces iPhone 4, comes to Canada in July

Updated on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 10:15AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple CEO Steve Jobs took to the stage today  to start off the yearly WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference)  and warmed things up by announcing iPhone 4. The latest Apple smartphone,  has a new glass and aluminum enclosure, a highly improved 3.5 inch screen witha new 960x640 resolution, 326 pixels per inch (wow!), the same Apple A4 processor that ships on iPads and a front facing camera for FaceTime video calls over WiFi and eventually 3G.

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Next@Norton 2010: Norton Beyond the PC

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

PALO ALTO- A variety of electronic security topics were covered here at the Next@Norton event held by Symantec in their world headquarters. Allowing technology journalists the opportunity to see and experience Norton's new products and initiatives, it was  also an opportunity to meet with Symantec's engineers and get firsthand information on the security and privacy challenges facing consumers today as they increase their interactions through various online devices.

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Review: FlightTrack for Android, iPhone and BlackBerry

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

 Every once in a while an application comes around and is so good that it completely makes itself indispensable. FlightTrack from Mobiata, is such an app. Available for Android, iPhone and BlackBerry, FlightTrack offers realtime International flight tracking and alerts.


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