Entries in launch (91)


Best Buy Canada will sell iPhone 4 on Friday for all carriers

Its unavoidable, this week is all about the iPhone 4 launch in Canada and at the time of this writing only Telus and Bell have confirmed that they will be carrying the iPhone 4 on July 30th. Best Buy, which sells phones from all the iPhone carriers, updated their page announcing that the iPhone 4 will be available in their stores on Friday.

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iPad begins selling in Canada

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple's iPad is now for sale in Apple Retail Stores. Opening up early this morning, the Apple Eaton Centre downtown location played host to a frenzied crowd of iPad starved customers who have had to wait two-months to get their iPad on. Best Buy and Future Shop are also expected to carry the device even if they won't be open early today.

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Mobilicity introduces unlimited 3.5G network in Toronto 

Mobilicity is Canada's newest player in the mobile carrier space and outlined its aggressive plains in its recent launch. Canadian Reviewer has video of the event which discusses the carrier, handset models and the coverage plan for the GTA.

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