Entries in launch (91)


Breaking News: Google Nexus One resurrected, now available from Mobilicity for $549

One of the most sough after Android super smartphones, Google's own Nexus One (developed by HTC) was prematurely discontinued a few months ago when Google realized that the direct-to-user phone sales system it was employing wasn't working well and sales fell short of expectations. Mobilicity just announced it is selling the Nexus One and this time with Android OS 2.2. Hit jump for the full announcement.

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Breaking news: Nokia N8 flagship smartphone hits UK in October

The most highly anticipated Nokia smartphone in a long time, the Nokia N8 is finally shipping next month at least in the UK. Above is an overview video running through all the specs and features.  We are stoked about that OLED screen, 12 Megapixel HD-capable camera and oodles of multimedia features...plus you can play Angry Birds on it.

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Apple to live stream launch event today

Apple's September 1 announcement/event is a few hours away and the reveal will be streamed live for Mac users at Apple.com. Apple is expected to unveil new iPod music players, possibly an updated AppleTV and an OS update to the iPad but there may be a few more surprises. Apple launch events are not traditionally streamed live but video is posted at a later date so we're wondering what makes this announcement different. 

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iPhone 4 in Canada day 1 starts early

Apple announced that it will be opening its retail stores early tomorrow for the launch of the much anticipated iPhone 4. Opening as early as 7:00 a.m., Apple is hoping to be able serve Canadians who want their latest smartphone. iPhone 4 will be available without a contract for $659 (CAN) for the 16GB iPhone 4 and $779 (CAN) for the 32GB iPhone 4 through Apple’s online store (www.apple.ca/store) and Apple's retail stores.

Bell, Telus. Rogers and Virgin Mobile are also selling carrier-locked versions of the iPhone 4 tomorrow although they won't be open quite as early. Best Buy and Future Shop as well as Wireless Wave shops are expected to have the iPhone in stock although possibly in limited quantities.

This is a far cry from earlier iPhone launches which focused on Rogers, the only carrier to offer the iPhone at the time. These launches were marred by shortages and countrywide system failures that left thousands of users with iPhones that weren't activated until succeeding days.

Buyers should note that the iPhone 4 uses the new MicroSIM card format which requires you switch over your SIM card to the smaller version that fits on the iPhone.  

Below are our links to our ongoing iPhone 4 coverage.

iPhone 4 Canadian pricing released, $659 (16GB) and $799 (32GB)

Best Buy Canada will sell iPhone 4 for all carriers

Apple: White iPhone 4 delayed until "later this year."

iPhone 4 comes to Canada on July 30th, bumper bundled

iPhone 4 Day one, what Canadians need to know

The iPhone 4 Dilemma