Entries in leak (21)


Nokia dabbles with Android in their leaked Normandy device

I always wondered what a Nokia Android device would be like and based on some recent leaks of the Normandy inteface, we get a clearer idea and look at the alternate reality where Android runs on Nokia hardware.

Looking very much like a simplified Lumia device, these Normandy renders show what looks to be a visual mashup of Windows Phone and Android but with a heavy Nokia flavour (that's a good thing). Now that Microsoft owns Nokia, it is unlikely that we'll ever know what this device would have been like or where it would fit in the hierarchy of Android devices. Still, it's always fun to think of what could have been.

Source: @evleaks via Phandroid


4.6 million Snapchat users stung by user and phone number leak

Snapchat is the latest app/service to have suffered a security breach that has exposed the usernames and phone numbers of 4.6 million of its users. An anonymous group of hackers was able to extract and has published this information in a website that has since been taken down. The same group of hackers also revealed Snapchat's API which is essential to how the app operates. A show of tough love, the hacker group stated that Snapchat has been too lax with its user's private information.

“Our motivation behind the release was to raise the public awareness around the issue, and also put public pressure on Snapchat to get this exploit fixed. It is understandable that tech startups have limited resources but security and privacy should not be a secondary goal. Security matters as much as user experience does,” explained the group in a statement to TechCrunch.

Source: TechCrunch


Leaked video spills the beans on Google's Nexus 5 smartphone prototype

You know a new Nexus smartphone is around the corner when photo and video leaks suddenly appear online. The video above is seven minutes long and gives a comprehensive first look at what the Nexus 5 looks like in prototype stage. The video sees the device in varioun angles and it moves through various apps. One thing to note is that it seems to be running Android 4.4 KeyLimePie, which is an earlier iteration of the software since it is now called KitKat. Being a prototype, it is hard to tell whether the actual Nexus 5 will look anything like the prortotype, which looks rather bare and stark in comparison to the LG G2, supposedly the device it is based on.


Leaked manual reveals Nexus 5 details

The Nexus 5 cat is out of the bag, sort of. A leaked manual pertaining to the still unnanounced but already widely leaked LG-manufactured Nexus Pure Google smartphone has surfaced and gives details on the upcoming device. A 5-inch display, a quad core Snapdragon processor, 2GB of RAM, a large  2,300 mAh battery and 8 megapixel camera are expected in terms of hardware. Software is expected to be Android 4.4 KitKat and what I'm curious to know is if it will integrate any of the software tweaks featured in the Moto X. Hit jump for a gander at the full leaked manual. 


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