Entries in LG G2 (11)


LG plays the 'mini' game with downscaled LG G2

Many leading smartphone makers have released 'mini' versions of their flagship smartphones which are actually midrange handsets featuring reduced size and limited features. A sure way to profit from the shine of their popular devices, while selling cheaper and less powerful models. LG has gone this route by revealing the LG G2 mini which is a smaller 4.7-inch (960 x 540 qHD) screen variant. The mini retains the shape of the LG G2, the 'innovative' rear button and the knock to unlock as well as the Guest Mode features. That's about all it inherits from its superphone brethren. It runs on a Qualcomm quad-core processor (same as the budget Moto G's), has 1GB of RAM, an 8-megapixel rear camera, 8GB of onboard storage and Android 4.4 KitKat. The LG G2 mini is slated for a Mobile World Congress reveal and so we'll get more information on pricing and availability then.

Source: Engadget


Android KitKat for LG G2 slated for 'late Q1' release in Canada

Mobile Syrup reported Android 4.4 KitKat will arrive to LG’s G2 flagship phone in the late first quarter of 2014. According to Court Elliot, a spokesperson for LG Canada, the operating system upgrade will be sent to the carriers at the same time. However, it is not certain if telecoms will deploy the OS on the same day.


Leaked video spills the beans on Google's Nexus 5 smartphone prototype

You know a new Nexus smartphone is around the corner when photo and video leaks suddenly appear online. The video above is seven minutes long and gives a comprehensive first look at what the Nexus 5 looks like in prototype stage. The video sees the device in varioun angles and it moves through various apps. One thing to note is that it seems to be running Android 4.4 KeyLimePie, which is an earlier iteration of the software since it is now called KitKat. Being a prototype, it is hard to tell whether the actual Nexus 5 will look anything like the prortotype, which looks rather bare and stark in comparison to the LG G2, supposedly the device it is based on.


Review: LG G2

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

LG's no slouch in the smartphone department. Last year's LG Optimus G was a powerful and uniquely designed handset that shared a lot of outstanding features with its sibling, the highly popular Google Nexus 4. For 2013, LG's dropped the Optimus monicker and simply gone with LG G2, which at first glance vaguely embraces the familiar look and feel of the products of its rival smartphone maker.

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