Meta's new app Threads, a rival to Elon Musk's Twitter, reached 100 million sign-ups in just five days, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Monday. This makes it the fastest-growing online platform ever, beating ChatGPT's record of two months. Threads has seen a surge of users since its launch on Wednesday, with many celebrities, politicians and influencers joining the platform that analysts view as the first serious threat to Twitter. Zuckerberg said in a Threads post that the app's growth was mostly organic and that they had not done much promotion yet.
Twitter, which had about 240 million daily active users as of July last year, has seen its web traffic decline since Threads' launch, according to web analytics firms. Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino tweeted on Monday that the platform had its "largest usage day" since February, but did not give details. Other competitors to Twitter, such as Mastodon, Bluesky, Truth Social and T2, remain relatively small and niche at this point.
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