Entries in Project Titan (5)


Apple analyst claims Apple Car might not launch until 2028

A recent Apple Car-related rumour suggested the company might release the electric vehicle in 2024. But known Apple analyst Ming-chi Kuo refutes this claim, saying the date is too premature. He speculates the launch will be between 2025 and 2028, with 2028 the more realistic estimate.

Kuo points out the problems with the earlier timelines. One is that there isn't any specification or actual suppliers for this rumoured vehicle. And that Apple rarely launches something big and this expensive without some form of competitive market advantage.

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Elon Musk says Apple, Tim Cook snubbed him when he tried to sell Tesla

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There have been rumours of a Tesla sale to Apple going around for years, but now we get something definitive from the automaker's CEO. Elon Musk replied to a tweet of Reuters' report about Apple's electric car plans, saying he tried to sell his company once to Apple. He said, "During the darkest days of Model 3 program, I reached out to Tim Cook to discuss the possibility of Apple acquiring Tesla (for 1/10 of our current value). He refused to take the meeting."

Musk also questioned the report's accuracy, where it claimed that Apple was working on a "breakthrough" battery that uses a "monocell" design. This battery can reportedly extend its range over other EVs. The report also mentioned Apple exploring the use an iron-phosphate chemistry, so the power cells' manufacturing will be cheaper.

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Apple rumoured to begin its EV production in 2024

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A new report from Reuters is sharing with us some concrete details about Apple's secretive Project Titan division, which is the tech giant's driving car arm. The report claims Apple might be ready to produce the electric vehicle as early as 2024, which will feature a "breakthrough" monocell battery design. The tech will supposedly allow Apple to add more active material to the power cell, improving its range.

Apple is supposedly exploring the use of lithium iron phosphate battery chemistry. It might not be as dense as other battery types, but it is less prone to overheating and won't require cobalt. 

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Former chief vehicle engineer at Tesla comes back to Apple and its secretive self-driving car program

A recent hire (or re-hire) shows us that Apple might not be ready to give up on its self-driving car program just yet. Doug Field, the former vice president of Mac hardware, left Apple to join Tesla as its chief vehicle engineer. Now, Field is back with Apple and is working on the company’s “Project Titan” self-driving car program. He was in charge of Tesla’s vehicle production and engineering before CEO Elon Musk to over production after the company failed to meet its first-quarter goal for the Model 3. Field took a leave of absence in May and then left the company altogether.

Field’s return to Apple is an interesting move as reports claim that Apple has been scaling Project Titan back with hundreds of people leaving the division. Apple is reportedly focusing on finding carmakers to partner with to develop its self-driving software. With Field back, it could suggest that Apple might still be thinking of producing the cars itself. But, of course, this is something we won’t know until Apple confirms the news.

Source: The Verge