Entries in Review (54)


Review: iPad mini

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s iPad mini isn’t the first 7.9-inch tablet to come to market but it already is the most recognizable.

Joining the likes of the Nexus 7, BlackBerry PlayBook, Toshiba Excite and various Samsung Tabs, the iPad mini now sits between the iPhone and the larger iPads.

An extension of Apple’s vast app and services ecosystem, the iPad mini serves to give users yet another mobile device option and opens up the market for users who find the 9.7-inch iPad too big or feel it it is priced out of their budget.

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Review: Apple iPhone 5

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

Apple’s iPhone 5 is the sixth generation smartphone  from Cupertino since the first iPhone revolutionized the smartphone industry in 2007. 

Since then, it has evolved from “an iPod, a Phone and an Internet communicator” to a powerful and easy to use pocket computer with a thriving app and developer ecosystem. To date, over 250 million have been sold. 

The much awaited and incessantly leaked iPhone 5 seems to have covered all the “must-have” updates such as a larger screen, 4G-LTE data, a thinner and lighter enclosure as well as various performance improvements. 

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Review: BlackBerry PlayBook 4G-LTE (2012)

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Will the new and improved 32GB BlackBerry PlayBook 4G-LTE keep the fires burning for RIM or is it too little too late for the QNX and future BlackBerry 10 tablet? We get a hands on at the newer, faster and 4G-er PlayBook.

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Review: Nokia Lumia 900 Windows Phone  

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Nokia's Lumia 900 Windows Phone is currently the best device running the Windows mobile OS. For Nokia, it is a flagship product and a showcase of their focus on design and engineering. Winner of CNET's "Best of CES 2012" Award, the Lumia 900 is a highly anticipated device that's showcasing the result of Microsoft and Nokia's smartphone union.

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